Feb 15, 2013

Sticker Charts

in category DIY
tags kids

Sometimes it’s the little things that need redesign. Not every child-related object needs to be tacky and saturated with uncomplimentary colors. These sticker charts were made specifically for my set of friends and can be printed over and over again. Suits a 13 x 18 cm frame. Download all here.

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Even if you don’t have any artistic bone in your body, it’s easy to make these sticker charts on your own.

Things Needed:
– Illustrations
– Simple image editor or a pen and a ruler
– Photo Frame(s)
– Clear pocket folder sleeves, cut to the size of the photo frame
– Printer or photo copie

A good place to look for illustrations is your bookshelf. The ones I used are from a Japanese guide book, but I also considered using images from some of my son’s favorite books like Jip & Janneke and Richard Scarry.

Find an image that suits your needs and then can scan it, photograph it, photocopy it, or trace it to the middle of a piece of white paper. If you have photo editing software on your computer you can do the rest on your own. If you don’t, you can do it old school with a pen and paper and it honestly takes the same amount of time:

Center the glass of the frame on top of your image and draw a box around your image. This will shape you cut out so that the paper will fit in the frame. Draw squares on top of your images using a ruler or a square template.

I used to put the stickers right onto the paper charts and reprint my file every time he finished, but I didn’t like wasting the paper even though I would bind all the charts into a book he could admire. Now I cut a piece of clear pocket folder to the size of your frame and the stickers come off easily so I archive all his stickers in one big sticker book.

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